Bondic LED UV Liquid Plastic Welding Starter Kit

Imagine this scenario: you’re stuck at home and one of your charging cords is dangerously frayed. You’d order a new one, but you can’t find a seller with fast delivery. You’d go buy a new one, but the stores are all closed. It’s the sort of scenario it’s getting increasingly easy to imagine these days, but you can protect yourself with the Bondic plastic repair kit.
What Is It?
The easiest way to describe Bondic could be to explain what it isn’t. It’s not super glue. It’s a bit like super glue, but it doesn’t dry out before you can get it right where you want it, and it will bond with just about any surface.
Basically, what you’re holding in your non-professional hands once you open the box is a very professional liquid plastic welder. It uses UV light to nearly instantly melt the special plastic adhesive material, which can be used to repair nearly everything, from a charging cord to the arms of your glasses.
How It Works
The coolest thing about the Bondic Liquid Plastic Welder kit is the way you use it. No muss, no fuss: just a space-age pen and some liquid that looks a lot like ordinary glue. Put the glue where you want it and then switch on the device to instantly harden the adhesive and form a bond.
This deceptively simple explanation belies what’s really amazing about Bondic. How many times have you fumbled with the glue, desperately trying to get it in place before it dries? How many times have you realized you did it wrong, only to find out it’s too late because, again, the glue is now dry.
You’ll never suffer this way again when you use the Bondic. Take as long as you like to put the adhesive exactly where you want it. Add another layer. And then another. Take a moment to consult with your significant other about your technique. Only when you’re good and ready do you turn on the device. Four seconds later, you have a permanent bond.
Other Amazing Features
Cleanup with the Bondic is impressively easy. Again, with glue, you have some real issues if an errant drop dries before you get it up. That’s never an issue with Bondic. The adhesive will never dry unless you use the special UV light, so it’s always possible to clean up.
You’ll also never have to worry about gluing your hand to your face or your thumb to your hand. But maybe the best feature of Bondic is all the things it can work with. It bonds to:
- Wood
- Plastic
- Steel
- Rubber
- Vinyl
- Kevlar
- Leather
- Ceramic
The above is just a partial list. Use it to repair wires, chipped plates, the heels of your favorite shoes, jewelry and glasses, car interiors, your devastated toddler’s favorite toy, and even leaks in your aquarium.
Be the Hero With Your Plastic Repair Kit
This kit is totally worth it, and you’ll agree the very first time you’re able to fix something that previously would have required a trip to get it repaired. Check out more great gadgets that can make life simpler at NextInGifts today.